Friday, April 6, 2012

Holy Jacket

Hello Jacket of the Week fans. Today is the day men call good. It is also the day we call Jacket of the Week. So we've got that going for us. I know the real Jacket isn't a big Good Friday Guy, but I'm sure there is some Pagan holiday this weekend that coincides with Easter that he will be celebrating. No doubt it involves a lot of crunchy grooves and positive energy. The way we keep cranking out Jackets over here makes me think it wouldn't be a bad idea to start a competitor to Burlington Coat Factory.  Cherry Hill Jacket Mill? There have been worse ideas. Anyway let's stick to what we know and if there is one thing we know that's finding pictures of people that loosely resemble Jacket. This week's addition to the team is mix between Jacket and the European representation of Jesus. But if the European representation of Jesus was a really mean looking guy. So basically he looks nothing like Jesus but it is Easter Weekend so we thought we would give it a try. Anyway here goes nothing...

This week's  Jacket has been titled "Holy Jacket" because he is the Jacket that is representing Holy Week. This Jacket has a much more powerful beard than the real Jacket does. Jacket likes to keep his beard neat but Holy Jacket enjoys the power. I imagine this is the length that Jesus would have kept his beard over two thousand years ago but who knows really. I hope you enjoyed this week's Jacket of the Week. For all our Jewish fans out there I hope you have a blessed Passover, for all the Christian Jacket of the Week fans I hope you have a Happy Easter and for all the people like Jacket I hope all your grooves stay very crunchy. Until next time...

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